Schooling of the puppy to cleanliness

Author: Zakharova M.A.
Sources: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko, John Fisher "Think Dog! An Owner`s Guide to Canine Psychology"

The small puppy is not able to supervise yet the physiological necessity and quite often leaves pools and heaps on a floor of the house though with him regularly walk.

Cleanliness should be learned, using that already 3 week puppies do not spoil in a jack, and depart from it. Usually puppies study to ask " on affairs " quickly enough - approximately by 3-4 months, but here to suffer 5-6 hours and more cannot. At 3 single walks the dog finally ceases to spoil in the house to 6-8 monthly age. However he being pleased with returning of owners - can make a pool.

Schooling to cleanliness in the house

Schooling to walk

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  • Try to go with the puppy on street right after a dream or meal. To do it is necessary quickly, therefore for the multi-storey house this variant extremely difficultly carry out. The puppy is go to street, put on the ground and sentence "Walk". As soon as he has made the all - at once take away home, not allowing to cavort and run with the filled stomach.
  • During walk necessarily praise the puppy when he recovers.

Mistakes of owners Explanation
To stick the puppy by a nose into its pools It frightens the puppy, but to understand in what he was guilty, the kid cannot.
To shout at the puppy even if he has sat down on affairs in the middle of a snow-white carpet It is better to be away carpets while the puppy will grow, - they will be whole.
To punish the kid for traces of ability to live which have appeared in your absence The puppy not in a condition to connect two events, that is far in time.
To hesitate with walk The puppy cannot wait by virtue of the physiology. The direct gut is emptied shortly after the stomach of the puppy was filled.