How to choose the healthy ca de bou puppy?

Source: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko, translation into english by Zakharova M.
Attribute The characteristic
Wool Shining. If there is the first moulting, the brilliant bright wool is clearly visible on a back. On sides a wool though also dim, but pure.
Area around anal Pure, there is no reddening and coalescent or a wet wool.
Leather on a stomach Pink, without abscesses and weep itches.
  • Pure, curious; eyelashes not agglutinate.
  • At puppies up to 2 months of an eye can be dreggy - dark blue color, at more adult - brown.
  • Top a nose is damp, black. At puppies of skewbald or spotty top of nose on edges can remain unpainted. The main thing that the pigmentary spot was on the center, entirely top of a nose darkens approximately to 6-8 months.
  • Are absent mucous or purulent allocation from nostrils, on wings of a nose is not present baked peels.
Movements The puppy moves easily and with pleasure; rises without groans and screaking; sits, having twisted under itself one hip, or is equal - as an adult dog. It is important, that he did not hump, did not sit, dejectedly having lowered a head.

Check of behaviour of the puppy

If you have an opportunity to choose, allow puppies to get used to your presence and observe them.

Main advise: choose a dog on command of heart, it is necessary for adoring her!