Documents to obtain the titles

All titles are awarded to the dogs that have pedigrees recognized by the RKF (all FCI member countries and AKC, KC, CKC).

Russian Champion (RusCh)
  1. 6 ÑÀÑ – obtained under 6 different judges at the National All-Russian Dog Show “Federation Champion” or National Regional Dog Show “Candidate to Federation Champion”.
  2. 4 ÑÀÑ – obtained under 4 different judges, if one CAC is obtained at the International CACIB Show or at National All Russian Dog Show “RKF Champion”.
  3. 3 ÑÀÑ – 3 ÑÀÑ obtained under 3 different judges and Russian Junior Champion Diploma.
  4. 2 ÑÀÑ - obtained under 2 different judges during one year at the Eurasia Dog Show.
  5. 1 ÑÀÑ - obtained at the International Dog Show “ Russia” (Best male and best female obtained CACIB and Champion of the RKF certificate).

    For Foreign Dogs, which are not registered at the RKF
  6. 1 ÑÀÑ, obtained at the International CACIB Show or at National All Russian Dog Show “RKF Champion» and Certificate or Champion of the Country of Residence Diploma (country - FCI members or AKC, KC, CKC).
  7. 2 ÑÀÑ, obtained at the National All-Russian Dog Show “Federation Champion” or National Regional Dog Show “Candidate to Federation Champion”.
    For foreign dogs without Champion of the Country Title variants 1-5 are eligible.

Russian Junior Champion (RusJunCh)

  1. 4 JunCAC obtained under 3 different judges at the National All-Russian Dog Show “Federation Champion” or National Regional Dog Show “Candidate to Federation Champion”.
  2. 3 JunCAC obtained under 3 different judges if one JunCAC is obtained at the International CACIB Show or at National All Russian Dog Show “RKF Champion”.
  3. 2 JunCAC obtained under 2 different judges during 1 year at the Eurasia Dog Show.
  4. 1 JunCAC obtained at the International Dog Show “ Russia” Best junior male and best junior female.

     For Foreign Dogs, which are not registered at the RKF
  5. 1 JunCAC, obtained at the International CACIB Dog Show or at National All Russian Dog Show “RKF Champion» and Certificate or Junior Champion of the Country of Residence Diploma (country – FCI member or AKC, KC, CKC).
  6. 2 JunCAC, obtained at the National All-Russian Dog Show “Federation Champion” or National Regional Dog Show “Candidate to Federation Champion”
    For foreign dogs without Champion of the Country Title variants 1-4 are eligible.

Comments to the rules.
In order to make it more clear for understanding:
The Dog registered at the RKF, - the dog which is born in Russia or imported from any country but registered at the RKF and has the RKF reg. number.
Foreign dog - the dog which is born at any country except Russia, which is not registered at the RKF, which lives abroad and registered in the stud book of the country where the dog lives.

Russian Grand Champion (RGCh)

To be eligible for the title of Russian Grand Champion, these dogs must have obtained:
Russian Champion Diploma and National Club of the Breed Champion Diploma,
and for the breeds of working class, it is necessary to have International Certificate for working qualities.

Russian Champion, Russian Junior Champion and Russian Grand Champion titles are given only once.

RKF Champion
  1. 1 RKF Champion Certificate, obtained at the International Dog Show (CACIB) or at the National All-Russian Dog Show RKF Champion.
  2. 3 different Federation Champion Diplomas (certificates), (Federations – RFLS, RFCC, OANKOO, RFOS).
Eurasian Champion

1 Eurasian Champion Certificate obtained at the International Dog Show Eurasia (this certificate is given to the best male in the breed and best female in the breed only).

Champion of the Breed of the Year

1 Best Male in the Breed and Best Female in the Breed Diploma obtained at Champion of the Champions Show at the National Champion Show “Golden Collar”. This title is automatically entered into RKF database and also written in the puppy-cards of the puppies born from this dog.

The Dog of the Year Title

1 Certificate of the Best in the Show Winner obtained at Champion of the Champions Show at the National Champion Show “Golden Collar”. This title is automatically entered into RKF database and also written in the puppy-cards of the puppies born from this dog.

You can receive the titles at the RKF office at
Moscow, 9, Gostinichnaya Street, floor 5
or you can send by mail at
P.O.Box 28, Moscow 127106 Russia


Documents to obtain the titles

Documents to obtain the titles you can find on official site of RKF -