Rebirth of breed Ca de bou

Authors: Otto Brito and Tim Taylor

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. First Ca de bou - Tito and Anastasia

It was in the 1980s that three gentlemen, Mr Paco Ruiz, Mr Manuel Calvino and Mr Riussec, the breeder of TITO and ANASTASIA, started to look for the remaining Ca de bous in Mallorca. The fact that some Ca de Bestiar/Ca de bou crosses were seen in the island helped them recover the genetic make up to start crossing for the correct tipicity. Some bulldog was used to shorten the mouth, please refer to the list of serious faults above which have appeared in Ca de bou as a result of breeding with bulldog (too much white; very separated elbows; exagerated prognatism; chest too low).

This could be seen very clearly in specimens 9-10 years ago. The GREAT majority of the crosses in the early recovery years were done with specimens with a high percentage of Ca de bou blood and some of the Ca de Bestiar.

It took quite a time before an exceptional pair of brothers was born, Tito, and his brother Toby. Tito was much superior, and had the tipicity of the dogs whose blood he carried.

Later on, Toby was crossed with a very special Ca de bou female by the name of Nix who produced some very promising pups, one female had excellent typicity, her name was Anastasia. Nix was one of the very special recovery specimens found.

Tito and Anastasia, were considered to be the first authentic Ca de bous with absolutely NO Ca de Bestiar characteristics. It was them that gave us back the breed, the sons that they produced together are SOME OF THE best that the breed has ever seen, Chimo, Conan, Ben, Leon and daughters too.

Tito also had a couple of sons outside of Anastasia that produced some lines of their own, like Dino. Dino was probably the nicest son out of Tito without Anastasia, smaller than the half brothers but very stocky and great temperament and tipicity.

It was at this time that it was common to see specimens of little or no tipicity at all, by this we mean specimens that were either too bulldoggy, not only bully in face but also being too much of presa type, which means they had chest too close to ground and also sometimes shorter front legs. Others were too Ca de Bestiar in type. These specimens were the results of unfortunate crosses and sold as Perro Dogo Mallorquin by people who were only interested in money. These dogs were out of shape, untypical, unsound and wrong color. As far as we know on every occasion, their progeny failed to deliver, as the pups seen in subsequent generations showed the inferior tipicity. These lines are well known and most of not all have died out in Spain.

That is also why most Ca de bous descend from Tito, Anastasia and their sons, with only a few exceptions.

Early years, legendary specimens:
ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou Tito

Tito - The first Ca de bou with impeccable typicality. The father of the breed. His sons are legendary in all, hard temperament, ability, structure and strength. The best line is his cross with Anastasia. It was said to me a little time ago his growl alone to other males made them curl their tail between their legs and urinate. At the same time he was, big, strong, powerful and imposing.

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou Toby

Toby - Tito's brother, father of Anastasia. Not Tito by any means, nevertheless he was very important in the recovery. His daughter is the most important Ca de bou of all.

Nix - The most special Ca de bou in the recovery, a diamond in the rough that was accidentally found, with very precious blood in her. Mother of Anastasia.

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. cadebou Anastasia

Anastasia - The mother of the top lines in the breed today, with the exception of Dino. Her sons, Chimo, Leon, Conan and Ben were amazing.

She had the top typicality in the breed, but also the highest percentage of unfiltered pure blood.

She simply put is the mother of the breed today.

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou Chimo

Chimo - Even though this Champion was bought and taken away to PR in 1995. In the last 8 years almost all Champions descend from him in one way or another, most have his blood.

In PR he started a dynasty. In Spain, he maintained one. He was a true rustic, proven warrior of excellent size and type that also produced many Champions.

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. cadebou Conan

Conan - another legend, the toughest Ca de bou in modern history, his story could make a great book. He had the heart of a LION, and died because of his own strength, when all Ca de bous ganged up on him in his kennel, since he was the far superior Ca de bou, they joined to kill him. He was a Lion of a dog, majestic, a smaller, tighter version of Chimo. In the words of Mr.Manuel Calvino, he was one of the most beautiful Ca de bous and the most notorious in temperament. His line is alive in Spain and in PR with his grandson and International Champion Conan, owned by Dr.Gallardo.

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou Dino del Gor Blau

Dino - was an excellent male by Tito and Bani. Although Bani was not the best female, some of her offspring were to bulldoggish, Dino and a couple of his brothers had very hard temperament and great typicality. Dino's line is probably one of the best non Tito x Anastasia lines.

He was an excellent example and a very functional and tested specimen.

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou Tronc

Tronc - Excellent brindle specimen with typicality and temperament. His line is carried by his son and Champion Atroc, owned by Rompehuesos. Tronc has developed a line of his one through this magnificent son that is very looked for in Spain since his line is an excellent cross with that of Chimo.

Tim Taylor bred Atila and Apolo, grandsons of Tronc through their mother.

Source of photos: All photos increase. Photo of Tronc - skan from the Spanish magazine by Zaharova M.A.